Wireless Coordinator
People that facilitate and track the mobility process
Your organization may not have a position called “wireless coordinator,” but you all have them. The wireless coordinator often wears many hats. Sometimes they operate in each location by giving your staff direct hardware support or operating as a centrally managed support team that handles many IT-related requests. A wireless coordinator must know all the stakeholders in the wireless ecosystem and understand when/who to interface with depending on the type of request they are processing. SimplifyWireless gives the wireless coordinator the tools to get the job done efficiently with processes that meet their unique needs.
End Users
People on your wireless plan
During the lifecycle of a device or phone number, there are about 100 things that may change with your mobility provider to support the employee. Changes can include moving departments, travelling, breaking a screen, and being terminated. Almost all of these changes relate to how a wireless device is managed. When an employee has a wireless need, they will engage the wireless coordinator via a phone call, email, or ticketing system to trigger the wireless process. If you have a lot of field staff, the devices you provide are mission-critical to completing their day-to-day duties. SimplifyWireless provides self-service interfaces to the employees to reduce the wireless coordinator’s day-to-day duties.
People that approve your wireless expenses
During the wireless process, there are two types of expenses that can exist in mobility. One is the purchase of hardware (a one-time charge) and the other is the monthly wireless services (a recurring charge). One is a capital expense and the other is an operational expense. When large wireless fleets are centrally managed, they require someone to approve an expense specific to the employee’s department. The approver manages new requests and the monthly charges specific to their department. SimplifyWireless includes the approver in the wireless process when required.
IT Department
People that provision IT services to wireless technology
Over the years, the IT department has assumed the management of wireless services for your employees. This is because the systems required to manage these services are administrated by the IT department. The IT department naturally deploys an ITSM, such as Jira or ServiceNow, to facilitate a workflow process. The IT department can also be responsible for the provisioning of applications and mobile device management (MDM) technology to these wireless devices. This is often a separate process and occurs after the device has been purchased/provisioned from the wireless provider. SimplifyWireless ensures the IT department can provision the MDM when required.
Finance Department
People that pay and reconcile the bills
The finance department is responsible for paying the vendor bills on time every month. This bill is literally a large dump of data, which is why the finance department relies on the wireless coordinator to identify cost overruns or inaccurate billing occurrences. The finance department performs well at identifying surprise charges for specific employees but not so well at understanding who should have what services and who should not. Just when the finance department thinks they have control of their expenditures, a new problem occurs that requires a new policy or process to prevent it from happening again. It's like a perpetual game of whack-a-mole. SimplifyWireless solves this never-ending battle.
Vendor Manager

People that manage the contract process with their vendor
Large wireless contracts can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more over the term of the contract. These wireless contracts involve long terms to provide your organization with stability in the supporting process. The vendor manager needs to understand and learn about all the people, systems and processes it takes to manage their wireless environment according to their business needs. Once a wireless agreement has been signed, the vendor manager will create a policy framework to control cost overruns. A lack of governance for mobility services has been the biggest challenge for vendor managers. SimplifyWireless reduces both the carrier and the business customer support costs, and standardizes the mobility process to simplify the contract requirement process for the vendor manager.
Wireless Carriers
People that provide your wireless services
They may come in different colours, but all wireless carriers provide the same service in the same way. It’s been 30 years since the invention of the cell phone, and there has been a complete convergence on coverage, technology, pricing, and support between operators. For business wireless, key differentiators between the providers can include the degree of support offered to facilitate these large agreements. Mobility operators deploy many different types of personnel and portals to assist in managing your wireless ecosystem. Business customers have the choice of lower prices with little support or higher prices with lots of support. SimplifyWireless provides the same change management and billing experience, regardless of your wireless provider.
Wireless Dealer
People that sell and support the wireless hardware
There are two types of hardware dealers. One is a privately owned business (dealer) and the other is owned by the wireless provider (direct fulfillment). They both sell, provision, and support a wireless device that is authorized to operate on the wireless provider’s network. It’s common for hardware dealers to provide dedicated staff and a procurement portal for the business customer to use. Wireless providers rely on the hardware dealer to provide business customers with enhanced support specific to their business needs and all hardware dealers have a different way of managing a large wireless account. SimplifyWireless integrates the hardware dealer and their procurement process into the wireless workflow, so you still enjoy the great support you are used to.