Wireless Coordinators
Do more with less to lower your contract management costs
SimplifyWireless is a dream come true for wireless coordinators. They now have a single place to manage mobility from requests made to workflow, inventory and billing received. Once requests are completed in the platform, inventory is automatically updated to save time and headache. If you have multiple coordinators, each of them can see each other’s requests. Plus, SimplifyWireless increases your wireless coordinator’s productivity, so you do not require as many wireless coordinators to manage mobility.
End Users
An employee’s one-stop resource to view inventory, billing, and requests
SimplifyWireless enables employees to manage all aspects of their mobility needs. Traditionally, a wireless coordinator fields a wide variety of requests from employees. SimplifyWireless provides self-service tools to reduce the time spent managing requests. End users can view their monthly bills, manage their assigned hardware, make requests, and provision services with their mobility provider. Employee behaviour changes when mobility services are properly managed. This translates to further savings on your monthly mobility expense.
Cost containment, transparency and accountability across all levels of your organization
SimplifyWireless gives department owners an easy way to review their mobility expenses. Approvers can access the platform to see all employees, devices, bills and requests. If they find anomalies, SimplifyWireless provides a way to correct these anomalies. You no longer need to provide department-level reports because the platform manages this for you. When there are requests made for a department that affect the expense, approvers are included in the process to ensure these expenses are authorized by the department. Since the approvers are intimate with the employees in their region, they are the ones ideally suited to assist the wireless coordinator in cost-containment measures.
IT Department
Automate the MDM provisioning process
SimplifyWireless takes the guesswork out of what needs to be done with the Mobile Device Management (MDM) system. When new devices are purchased or device assignments have changed, SimplifyWireless includes the MDM on/off-boarding process in the workflow. MDM administrators receive notifications from the application when it’s their turn in the process to provision the MDM service for an employee. These notifications are often used to trigger new tickets in an ITSM system such as Jira or ServiceNow.
Finance Department
The billing and assignment data is created by the process
Unlike most systems that manage wireless billing, SimplifyWireless combines your wireless provider’s billing data with the assignment and inventory data collected during the process. This means there will never be gaps in the data for the finance department to track down. This efficiency streamlines the reconciliation process, saving the finance department significant time each month.
Vendor Management

Reduces support requirements from vendors to introduce additional cost savings
SimplifyWireless manages all aspects of your vendor’s wireless contract. We provide you with all the processes and reports you need to manage your wireless service. This eliminates the need for your wireless provider to include multiple portals, tools and dedicated staff to support your large wireless contract. For large mobility fleets, this enables you to negotiate more competitive airtime pricing from your wireless providers because their support costs have been reduced. You can also measure your vendor’s performance during the contract with SLA monitoring.
Wireless Carriers
Harmonizes multiple platforms to bring together everyone inside the telco
Wireless carriers deploy many different types of personnel and portals to assist in managing your wireless ecosystem: account managers, dealers, billing support, technical support and more. All these personnel use different systems and technologies. If you use multiple wireless providers, the amount of personnel required increases exponentially. SimplifyWireless manages all the stakeholders at your wireless carrier and gives you access to all the granular activity that takes place to support your wireless ecosystem. Large organizations can now take control by defining the vendor procurement and change management process.
Wireless Dealers
Automates the procurement and provisioning process
With SimplifyWireless, dealers are no longer required to provide you with a portal to make hardware purchases. After the new hardware has been assigned by the dealer, SimplifyWireless automatically provisions the hardware with the carrier and the MDM. Dealers who use our platform spend less time supporting customers while providing better service.